Hello! This is my personal website, which happens to be build in a form of a documentation-like. Im not trying to copy-paste existing documentation of JS, TS, React or anything else, as that would be against the purpose of this excersise, which is my personal development.
Over the years, i found myself in a situation where i had to explain some concepts to my colleagues, and during my professional job, also to people that i am mentoring. Instead of writing simple explanations over same topics over and over again, i decided to create a website where i can write down my thoughts and explanations, and then just send a link to the person that needs it.
At the same time, i think that one of the best ways to expose yourself to a topic is to try to explain it to someone else. When you try to create simple and yet, understandable explanation which have actual practical application, you have to understand the topic yourself very well.
It also good place for me to create some proof of concept examples, which i can use later on in my professional work, as not every topic is something that i can use on a daily basis.
If you like this idea, and you want to contribute, feel free to do so. I would be very happy if you do. You can contribute in several ways:
- Create a PR with a new topic
- Create a PR with a new explanation for existing topic
- Create a PR with a new example for existing topic
- Create a PR that corrects my grammar or spelling mistakes
- Create a PR that corrects my code mistakes
...and so on. Simply, click on the Edit this page
button under right hand side menu and you will be redirected to the GitHub page where you can edit the page and create a PR.